Monday, March 5, 2007

Thoughts Create Feelings-Feelings Create Reality

Your thoughts are creating your reality every moment of every day, whether you are trying or not.

Whether you believe it or know how it works, it doesn't matter. Your thoughts and feelings are creating your outer reality every second of every day.

Now that you know this, what are you going to do about it?

You can control your thoughts. It takes practice! In order to truly master your thoughts and feelings, you must first have a burning desire to do so. Then you must make a conscious effort to monitor your thoughts.

Pay attention to your thoughts!
Pay attention to your feelings!

Check in right now, how do you feel? Do you feel good? What can you think about right now that would give good feelings to you?

When a negative thought comes in, acknowlege it, thank it and then let it go. Allow a positive thought to replace it.

Thoughts create feelings, feelings manifest your outer reality.

Control your thoughts, control your feelings.....create love, happiness and fulfillment in your life.

Affirm every day, throughout the day, "I want to feel good" and then "How can I feel good right now"


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