Monday, May 14, 2007

How Can You Feel Good Now???

Focus your thoughts on this question:

"How can I feel good now?"

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Receiving Other's Thoughts

Be careful of picking up other people's thoughts.

We are all connected. This may sound strange,
to you, but we all communicate telepathically.

We receive and give eachother thoughts all the time.
Most people don't realize that this is happening because
we have the thought in our head and assume it is our
own. A lot of times the thoughts in our head are
not ours, they are someone else's who is near by.

I know a lot of you who are reading this right now
are thinking yeah right, this is ridiculous.

Think about it though. We are all energy, our
thoughts are energy and we are all one energy.
So with that being said, we are all connected.
Why would our thoughts be any different?

Have you ever been having a conversation
with someone, and you were about to say
something, and right when you were about to say it,
the person you were talking tomsaid exactly what
you were going to say? How many times have you
said something, and the person you were with said
"I was just thinking that". Now you can brush that
off as a coincidence that happens over and over again.
Or you can acknowledge the possibility of something
greater happening, a greater connection than what
we see with our own two eyes.

Just be aware of your thoughts and see if
they feel like your thoughts or if they feel foreign.

If it is a thought that is not empowering, than
release it.

Friday, May 11, 2007

You Are Not A Victim

You are not a victim.

Do not blame others for the circumstances
of your life. You have created every circumstance
in your life, with the power of your mind.

Whether you realize it or not, you have created
every event and attracted every person to your
life. Now, maybe you didn't think the specifics,
but you carried thoughts and held feelings that
matched the energy vibration of the
people and events that entered your life.

True empowerment means accepting
responsibility for your thoughts and

The beautiful thing is, you can change your
circumstances and who or what you attract
into your life at any time.

To change the circumstances in your
life, change your thoughts and feelings.

You are in control of your life, nobody
else. If you believe other people control the
events in your life, then change your belief.

You are the power of creation.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Hypnotherapy Mind Power

Use the power of hypnotherapy to
take control of your life.

You do not have to leave your life to chance
any longer. You are in control.

With the use of hypnotherapy, you can activate
your mind power to transform your life.

You have the power to be the transformer.

With the amazing power of hypnosis, you can
change habits, overcome fears, erase addictions,
even transform your physical body and so much more.

Don't play the victim role any longer, activate your
mind power and take control. is one of the best
hypnotherapy sites on the net. You can find
out much more about hypnotherapy and
access the resources that you need to use the
power of hypnosis to transform your precious life.

It's time to take action, click on the link below.

Monday, May 7, 2007

We Are All Vibrational Energy

To have what you want, you must be
a vibrational match to what it is
that you want.

We are all vibrational energy. We are magnets
to those things that match our vibrational energy.

Everything that is harmonious in our life matches our
vibrational energy. Everything that is the opposite
of harmonious in our life does not match our vibrational

Our thoughts and feelings change our vibration.

If you have asked the Universe for something,
or someone, or for a certain circumstance, the reason
that you have not recieved it is because you have
not raised your vibrational energy to match what
you have asked for.

The Law Of Attraction!!!

I encourage you to read on and read other posts here on
this blog. Pretty much ecery post that you read here will
give you guidance on how to raise your vibrational energy.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Quiet Your Mind

Take time every day to stop, and quiet your mind

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Mind Needs Rest

The mind performs best when the
mind is well rested.

Make sure to rest your mind:
  • Meditate
  • Rest
  • Get plenty of sleep

Be kind to your mind!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Thoughts Become Things


Remember, the thoughts that you carry in your mind
will manifest into physical reality!

Monitor your thoughts. Only hold on to thoughts
that reflect what you want to create.