Friday, May 11, 2007

You Are Not A Victim

You are not a victim.

Do not blame others for the circumstances
of your life. You have created every circumstance
in your life, with the power of your mind.

Whether you realize it or not, you have created
every event and attracted every person to your
life. Now, maybe you didn't think the specifics,
but you carried thoughts and held feelings that
matched the energy vibration of the
people and events that entered your life.

True empowerment means accepting
responsibility for your thoughts and

The beautiful thing is, you can change your
circumstances and who or what you attract
into your life at any time.

To change the circumstances in your
life, change your thoughts and feelings.

You are in control of your life, nobody
else. If you believe other people control the
events in your life, then change your belief.

You are the power of creation.

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