Monday, April 30, 2007

The Power Of Affirmations

Daily Affirmations can be one of the fastest
ways to transform your outer reality!

Your Subconscious Mind creates your
reality. There are some different ways to
reprogram your Subconscious Mind.

One of the most powerful ways is hypnotherapy.

Another powerful process is doing affirmations.
When you repeat the same idea over and over,
your subconscious mind begins to accept the new
information as truth.

Affirmations can be done by thinking, speaking or writing.

Writing is the most powerful way to do affirmations.
Speaking is the second most powerful way.
Thinking is the third most powerful way.

I would highly encourage you to start doing
affirmations every day. The best time to
do affirmations is when you first wake up
in the morning or right before you go to
sleep at night.

Choose on affirmation, and write the affirmation
12 times every day.

Do this consecutively for 30 days and see what happens.

It is best to write your affirmations in present tense, create
the feeling that you have already manifested your desire.

Here is an example of an affirmation, you can use this one or
create your own.

"I am so happy and grateful now that I am constantly
receiving an abundant amount of money from multiple
sources, easily and effortlessly"

The most important thing to remember, is to believe that your
desire has already manifested. Even if you don't physically see it.
Trust and believe that what you desire will appear.

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